Episodic promotion continues to be the best way of driving viewers to the ongoing intense adventures of STAR TREK: VOYAGER. In this section we’ll cover several different ways Paramount is helping you keep the momentum going on one of America’s most enduring television franchises.
“BRACE FOR IMPACT” THEME WEEK (11/13/00 to 11/17/00)
Beginning November 13th, all VOYAGER on-air promotion will reverberate with eye-catching visuals and brain-jarring sound design, as Paramount presents the most action-packed episodes of the past season.
The schedule is as follows:
11/13/00 220 EQUINOX (Part 1)
11/14/00 221 EQUINOX (Part 2)
11/16/00 223 BARGE OF THE DEAD
11/17/00 236 MEMORIAL
These episodes will showcase the groundbreaking feature film-quality visual imagery and building tension amongst the crew as Voyager continues its perilous journey through the Delta Quadrant.
Paramount will be providing you with a special set of on-air spots and print shells to help support your promotional efforts for the week, as well as matching end graphics to customize your episodic spots.
NOTE: You can find the complete fall 2000 STAR TREK: VOYAGER air schedule in a separate document located elsewhere under the Marketing heading of this CD.
The complete Season Six On­Air Promotion reel will be block-fed out to you in October, containing :30/:20/:15/:10 and :05 episodic promos for Episodes 221-246.
Promos will also continue to be fed on a weekly basis, at the top of the corresponding VOYAGER show feed (For example, promos for episode #221 will appear at the beginning of the regularly scheduled episode #221 program feed).
Please note that since Season Six episodes will not be appearing in syndication until the November sweep period, you’ll be receiving episodic on-air spots far in advance to afford you extra flexibility in tagging spots for local cable buys, or in your own internal tagging process.
As in the past, Paramount is continuing to produce :30 Episodic radio spots for the most current season of VOYAGER (episodes 221-246). Spots will continue to be in the :25/:05 configuration. These are not included on the enclosed VOYAGER Audio CD, but will be sent to you in October ­ again leaving you plenty of time to get them “tagged-and-bagged” for the November sweep.
Also in October, Paramount will be sending you satellite feed information on our updated VOYAGER on-air clip reel, which will cover Season Six (episodes 221 ­ 246) and will come in very handy when you need a dynamic character soundbite or impressive visual to round out a montage, line-up or image spot. A complete log will also be provided under separate cover.